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Photos: Global Drum Project at The Overture Center for Arts
October 26, 2007 - all photos and commentary by Ankur Malhotra

The main hall of the Overture looked gorgeous as people settled into their seats (above). Meanwhile, under the spotlight front and center of the stage were two extensively mic'd strange looking pieces of gnarled, old wood stumps/roots. Behind these were a pair of instruments that looked like wooden xylophones bowed under the weight of fat bulbs and tubers that seemed to grow from beneath the wood slats. (below).

Mickey Hart started off the proceedings with an introduction to the wood 'sculptures' on the stage - "Twin Dolphin" and "Squid" were old growth giant redwood and grape tree trunk and root structures, with the latter dating back to the U.S. Civil War days. Mickey was then joined by Zakir Hussain (above and below) and the duo proceeded to play the pieces of wood. They used hammer, drumsticks, fingers, brushes and myriad everyday devices (did I notice a boot brush?) to evoke clicks, patterns, beats and rhythms to fill the hall with the sounds of nature.
Zakir Hussain finger-drums on the Twin Dolphin.
Mickey Hart behind the drum kit.
Ustad Zakir Hussain, tabla maestro from India shows his chops on the instrument as the audience shouts out "Wah Ustad" and "Master" in awe and appreciation.
Giovanni Hidalgo, master "bongoista" from Puerto Rico with his hands on a 'dholak' - a two-faced Indian drum." ...Giovanni is like a intergalactic bird that flies all over the universe spreading the great feeling of freedom and creative energy. The only way to catch him is to be there when he lands..." Airto Moreira
Sikiru Adepoju, master of the 'talking drum' comes from Nigeria.

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