Event Details: BELA FLECK & THE FLECKTONES When Thursday, March 1, 2012 8:00pm - General Public: $38, $34, $25; WI Union Member: $34, $30, $25; UW-Madison Faculty &
Event Details: MC ZULU When Thursday, February 23, 2012 9:30pm - $5 cover before 10pm, only $8 after! - 21+ Where The Inferno Nightclub (map) 1718 Commercial Ave
Great Valentine’s Day show at the Majestic last week.. here are some pictures and video from the show.. enjoy! Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe and Anders Osborne perform Wild
Event Details: SHEARWATER W/ COO WOO + ALL TINY CREATURES When Sunday, February 19, 2012 8:00pm - $12 in advance/$14 at the door (18+); - All Ages Where
Carl Craig at Movement 2010, also confirmed for this year We have been eagerly awaiting the announcement for this year’s lineup at Movement in Detroit and we have